Williams Traditional Magnet Elementary School

Williams Traditional Magnet Elementary School is an elementary school in the Little Rock School District in Little Rock, Arkansas.



Williams opened in 1958 and received building additions in 1964, 1966, 1986 and 1994. A new classroom wing opened in 2004. Williams became a magnet school in 1982 and expanded to a tri-district magnet school in 1986. Williams' magnet theme stresses the basic educational skills: reading, writing and arithmetic.


It is named in honor of three different men, all of whom served on the Board of Directors of the Little Rock School District: J.E. Williams, a member of the Board from 1900 to 1903; Nal Williams, a member of the Board from 1904 to 1905; and Robert M. Williams, a member of the Board from 1939 to 1945.


Features: Reading is Fundamental, Beginning to Read, Write and Listen Phonics Program-Kindergarten, Accelerated Reader Reading Renaissance Program, Junior Great Books, Accelerated Math, Math Acceleration Support, Reading Recovery, Compass Learning Computer Lab, Media Retrieval System, Certified Art Specialist, Certified P. E. Specialist, Certified Music Specialist, Fulltime Nurse, School-wide Science Fair, School-wide Spelling Bee, School-wide Geography Bee, SECME Program, Quiz Bowl Team, Student Council, Chess Club, Art Club, Magnetic Musicians Choir, Medieval Festival, Media Retrieval System, Computer centers in every classroom, Closed circuit television system featuring WMS News daily, Mandatory Homework Policy, Active Parent Teacher Association with 100% membership, Excellent standardized test scores, School uniforms since 1992, Technology program with computer centers in every classroom , Certified Reading Recovery Specialists, WITS - (Arkansas Writers In the Schools - 5th).


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